What’s the question you are most often asked when you are ‘in character’ as Lara?
Do you get to have guns? Yes, I do have a good pair of guns and they’re a fantastic way to scare men
Have you had many requests for dates from Lara fans?
I have them lining up at the front door asking to see me, for my autograph, it’s like being famous. But it’s not that exciting for me, as they are mostly between the ages of 8-10.
When you ‘act Lara’ do you imagine you are really her, or is it just putting on an outfit?
When you put the outfit on, it’s like "Stars in their
Eyes" and I am transformed into ‘Lara Croft’, its so amazing. Its like a dream, she’s such an intelligent and sexy person to be and I just love being her.
is the toughest thing about portraying the virtual Heroine Lara Croft?
Squeezing into my rubber second skin, when I first tried it on, it was almost impossible, but now having had plenty
of practice you get kind of used to it. It’s worth it anyway.