Familiar with Von Croy's respected standing and reputation for carefully planned expeditions, Lara's father found himself struggling to argue against her intelligent reasoning and resourceful nature. She was after all, almost an adult - a mature teenager at least. Her fearless approach to tree-climbing, physical agility and general tomboy antics left him with little doubt that she was physically capable.
As Lara argued the case further, he found himself walking over to the desk and penning a letter to Von Croy, introducing himself as an influential society figure and offering financial assistance in exchange for his daughter's place on the expedition.
Von Croy's reply assured the Henshingly Crofts that the territories were friendly and that he had ample experience to look after both his and Lara's wellbeing. Lara's company as an assistant would be welcome, as was the offer of such a generous cheque. He remembered Lara from his lecture - her incessant yet inciteful questions had made quite an impression upon him.