Cheat Codes
Disclaimer: We haven't been able to test all of these cheat codes so we cannot guarantee that they all work.
Enter in the INVENTORY screen
Level Skip: Face north (climb up north onto a ledge for precision). Press Select to enter the inventory, highlight Load and hold the letters H+E+L+P together. Release & close the inventory.
Unlimited Items: Face north (climb up north onto a ledge for precision). Press Select to enter the inventory, highlight the small medipack and hold the letters G+U+N+S together. Release & close the inventory.
All Weapons: Enable the 'Unlimited Items' cheat first. Close the inventory and reopen it, highlight the large medipack and hold the letters W+E+A+P+O+N+S together. Release & close the inventory.
Level Skip: Face north (climb up north onto a ledge for precision). Press Select to enter the inventory, highlight Load and hold the letters H+E+L+P together. Release & close the inventory.
Unlimited Items: Face north (climb up north onto a ledge for precision). Press Select to enter the inventory, highlight the small medipack and hold the letters G+U+N+S together. Release & close the inventory.
All Weapons: Enable the 'Unlimited Items' cheat first. Close the inventory and reopen it, highlight the large medipack and hold the letters W+E+A+P+O+N+S together. Release & close the inventory.