LOCATION: (Start of game) (FMV) Pushkin Library of Antiquities, Moscow, Russia
(Professor Igor Bowmane has called Lara Croft to meet him at the Pushkin Library of Antiquities.)
Bowmane: Ah Lara, my old friend, so good to see you again. I'm glad you could make it. Lara: It is good to see you too, Professor. Now, let's get down to business. (He shows Lara some manuscripts.) Bowmane: The reason why I have called you here is regarding an ancient artifact. The artifact is described here in these manuscripts. Take a look. Lara: It looks like some kind of crystal. Bowmane: Indeed, this crystal stone hold within it a most evil presence... a spirit if you will. Lara: Spirit! What do you mean? Bowmane: Over a thousand years ago, in Central America, reigned an evil King, Quaxet. He ruled over the Inca, Aztec & Mayan peoples for a time. Quaxet sacrificed thousands of his own people as offerings to an evil god who demanded blood to feed it's spirit. For over 40 years his reign of terror continued until the high Priest of each of the tribes joined together to defeat him. They killed Quaxet, and condemned his spirit to the Crystal Stone. The stone was sealed inside an Obelisk. The Obelisk was then buried within the walls of a vast temple. Lara: Where is this temple? Bowmane: It has just been discovered, deep in the rainforests of the Amazon. A friend of mine, Illiat, led an expedition to find it. He will meet you at the base site beside the temple. Illiat was going to meet you at the airport but, because he fears that other interested parties will try to get in first he will meet you at the site instead. Be careful Lara. Lara: I will professor, and thanks. |
LOCATION: (FMV) Amazon Rainforest
(Continues on from previous FMV. Lara travels to the site of the temple. The expedition's camp site has been destroyed.)
Lara: Oh no, Illiat! What happened to you? (She looks up at the temple. She makes her way up the steps and looks inside.) Hang on Illiat, I'm coming! |
LOCATION: (Cutscene) Amazon Rainforest - Inside Temple
(Inside the temple, Lara comes across an altar, with a seat figure on top and a blue hole in its stand. She touches it and is knocked unconscious.)
Quaxet: Foolish intruder, you shall pay for your greed. You have awoken the guardians of the temple and they shall not rest until you are destroyed. |
LOCATION: (Cutscene) Amazon Rainforest - Inside Temple
(Continues from previous cutscene.)
In Game Message: Lara awakens some time later: The room is now brighter. Lara sees a trail of blood and decides to follow it. |
LOCATION: (Cutscene) Amazon Rainforest - Inside Temple
(Lara kills a mummy that is hovering around an injured Illiat. She kneels by his side.)
Lara: Illiat, are you hurt? Illiat: It's too late for me Lara. I've lost too much blood. I'm dying. Lara: How did this happen to you? What's going on? Illiat: Lara, did you touch the temple altar? Lara: Yes. Illiat: Lara, you have unleashed the guardians! Lara: What guardians? (Illiat remembers the mummies and skeletons.) Illiat: They are the spirits of the ancient protectors of the temple. They were entombed here to make sure that no-one would try to take the stone. They will kill any intruder. Lara: Then, Illiat we've got to get out of here! Illiat: No Lara, you must stop the others. Lara: What others? (Illiat remembers the mercenaries to attacked him.) Illiat: While I was waiting for you, I was ambushed and tortured. They were mercenaries who wanted the map to the Nightmare Stone. They took me to the altar and made me show them what must be done. Then they found the map and left me there to die. But, I tricked them, they didn't get the entire map. They cannot get all the way down to the snake guardian. He holds the final part of the key that will unlock the Nightmare Stone. (He hands her a map.) This map here will help... you get back ...up to the altar. Destroy the Nightmare Stone Lara... It is PURE evil... (Illiat dies in front of her.) |
LOCATION: (Cutscene) Amazon Rainforest - Inside Temple
(Lara catches a thief going through the treasures. She takes out her pistols.)
Lara: Don't move please. (He turns around to face her.) Who are you? What are you doing here? (She grabs hold of the top of his shirt.) Thief: Don't hurt me! I'm just a gold hunter. I don't want any trouble. Lara: How do I get lower down into the temple? Thief: The legends say that there is a room with sun and moon statues. You must insert amulets into the statues to continue. But it is too dangerous! I never go near this! (Lara points to the door.) Lara: Get out! The curse has awoken the guardians and you must go NOW! (He runs out and Lara continues onward.) |
LOCATION: (Cutscene) Amazon Rainforest - Inside Volcanic Temple to Inside Temple
(Lara defeats the Snake Guardian, and it leaves behind a green, glowing item. It is the crystal.)
Lara: The Crystal! (She picks it up and a side exit opens.) The Doorway. Now to get back to the Altar. (The short cut takes her back to the altar with the seat figure on the base. She places the four Panel Pieces around the blue, glowing centre, and the hole opens up. She pulls out the Nightmare Stone.) So this is the Nightmare Stone. Illiat was right, it must be destroyed. (She throws it into the lava stream nearby.) There, it's finally over. (It burns, releasing tall flames.) Oh no! (It sparks, and Lara runs out of the way.) The whole place is collapsing, I've got to get out of here. (She heads towards a passageway.) The exit is blocked! I'd better try another way. (She looks down another route to see that the pathway has partly collapsed.) Uh oh! |
LOCATION: (Cutscene) Amazon Rainforest - Outside Temple
(End of game. Lara climbs up and out of the temple. She jumps out through the hole, goes down the stairs and runs away from the temple as it begins to explode. The valley in which the temple sits in is flooded with molten lava. Lara watches on from a distance. She takes out the green glowing crystal and looks at it with a smile.)
Lara: Well, at least the trip wasn't a total waste. (She pockets it and walks away.) |