The story begins with a brief teaser of a plane flight gone wrong before flashing back to two days prior, at Cozumel in Mexico. Lara has been pinned down by a large rock on her leg in a collapsed tunnel as she explores an underground site. She had heard that Trinity was searching the site so she seeks to find whatever they're looking for. She frees herself and continues her mission, finding several clues in the underground site. Jonah arrives and as Lara unknowingly triggers a rigged explosive, he pulls her out of danger. At night, they gather at La Casa Mexicana to discuss the new clues as well as look out for Dr. Dominguez. They follow him through the town's celebrations to another Trinity dig site. Lara finds another way in and explores the ruins, finding the Dagger of Chak Chel. She reads a warning of those who take the dagger will cause a series of cataclysms and if not combined with the Silver Box of Ix Chel before the solar eclipse, the world will die, however Lara decides that she cannot let Trinity claim the item, so she grabs it and hurries out as the temple collapses around her. Commander Rourke and Dr. Dominguez await outside the dig site; she is struck by a mercenary and Dominguez picks up the key, but when he asks for Lara to hand over the Silver Box as well, he realises that she doesn't have it, so he explains to her of the chaos that she has caused and how he has to clean up her mess. He leaves just before a Tsunami floods the town, causing mayhem. Lara finds Jonah, distraught about her mistake; she wants to head to the next location to find the Box but Jonah wants to stay and help the residents. He gets angry at her selfishness and refuses to go with her until morning.
Trinity had been excavating in the wrong country and Lara has worked out that the clues were pointing to Peru, specifically the village of Kuwaq Yaku. The next day, they hire a small plane to travel there. The flight path goes through a storm and the pilot, Miguel, is knocked unconscious by a block of ice that shoots through the front window. Lara attempts to steady the plane to give Jonah time to jump out, but the back of the plane breaks away and the plane crashes. Lara wakes up, hanging from her seat. When she frees herself, she explores the Peruvian jungle for her gear, for Miguel, who was killed by a jaguar, and for Jonah, the latter she finds after taking on two jaguars in a fight. Jonah is mostly fine except for a tapeworm in his arm, which she removes. Jonah comes to the realisation that if Lara - with Jonah's help - doesn't take on Trinity, no one will. They move on but she is attacked by another jaguar; she kills it and skins it, stopping at a campfire to rest before nightfall. Jonah tends to her wounds and then she sleeps, dreaming of her childhood, the day of her father's murder. In the morning, they walk down to Kuwaq Yaku and meet Abby, who explains how there are ruins nearby but they are not Maya. Lara explores them regardless and uncovers another clue, that the way to the Hidden City lies beyond three 'trials': Trial of the Jaguar, Trial of the Spider and Trial of the Eagle. Luckily, Abby and Jonah has found another tunnel under the Inca ruins so Lara pushes on, completing the three trials.
She stumbles upon an abandoned village and helps rescue a scared boy captured in a snare trap, but she is ambushed by a group of local soldiers. A woman comes forward and questions Lara briefly before covering her head and taking her in to Paititi, the Hidden City. Now in a safe location, the woman questions Lara further, finding out that she is trying to stop Kukulkan (Trinity) from finding and using the Silver Box. The woman relaxes and brings in Jonah, who was captured whilst trying to find Lara. She believes that they are after the same thing and so the woman introduces herself as Unuratu, Queen of the Rebellion and of Paititi. She takes Lara through the Paititian market place to show her the state of the rebellion; Lara recognises a familiar face: Unuratu calls him Amaru, her brother-in-law while Lara calls him Dr. Dominguez. Lara and Unuratu decide to work together and they head to an entrance at the base of a mountain. Lara explores the underground sites and finds the silver statuette but no silver box. She exits the ruins via a water duct and briefly meets Etzli before he is captured by Kukulkan soldiers. She flees back to Unuratu's home and updates her before the pair vow to rescue Etzli from the barracks.
Lara travels to the Mountain Temple to continue her search for the Silver Box, entering a Salt mine entrance to gain access to the inner stronghold of the Barracks. She aids Unuratu in clearing a path to help rescue Etzli but the Queen is surrounded by Kukulkan soldiers, so she hands herself in, giving Uchu time to escort Etzli out. Lara pushes forward, entering the Cenote. She fights against the Yaaxil, protectors of the Silver Box, and finds the resting place for the Silver Box, however it is now missing. An earthquake tremor opens the chamber door and the Yaaxil, led by the Crimson Fire, believe that she has taken the box and give chase, Lara only just escaping.
Jonah manages to get hold of Lara on her radio, informing her that they have moved location to the Skull Cave. He and Uchu are working on a plan to free Unuratu from the prisons by the Old Temple and that Etzli went on to scout the temple. Uchu passes her the Serpent Guard outfit for safety and she heads off to meet Etzli. He gives her a pass code to say to the guards at the entrance. She uses the pass code and ventures in, overhearing Unuratu trying to reason with Amaru before being taken back to her cell. Lara has also learnt that a Christian missionary named Andres Lopez was the one who took the box from the Cenote in the 1600s. Lara heads off in the direction of the prison, finding an alternate route to Unuratu's cell. Once inside, she comforts a disheartened Queen with a clue to another possible location - the tattoo on Unuratu's right arm symbolises Sinchi Chiqa, the last true Emperor of Paititi, whose tomb is in the Upper district of Paititi. With revitalised passion, the two fight their way out and into the Upper district, walking through the busy crowd that has gathered to watch Amaru sacrifice rebellions. They enter the location of the tomb; Lara climbs up the statue and discovers yet another clue at the altar, this time a clue left behind by Lopez, a cup. Lara isn't given much time to dwell on it as Unuratu is attacked by Cultist soldiers. She jumps down to help but Unuratu is killed in front of her by Commander Rourke, who smugly leaves. In her dying breath, Queen Unuratu asks Lara to give Etzli an amulet, inheriting his position now as the King of Paititi. Lara fights her way out, meeting with Etzli, Uchu and Jonah down by the water - their planned escape route for Unuratu and Lara. She informs Etzli of his mother's passing and he bravely takes on the role of leader, sending her and Jonah on their way to find the Silver Box of Ix Chel before the next eclipse, before the Cult of Kukulkan finds it first.
On their voyage back to Kuwaq Yaku via a small sailing vessel, a Trinity helicopter spots them and opens fire, overturning the boat. Lara and Jonah are separated and Rourke taunts her via her walkie-talkie, saying that he has killed Jonah, thus coaxing her into Trinity's attack; however Lara has an epiphany and mercilessly kills all soldiers in her way. Jonah steps out of the wreckage and tries to console her but as Lara wallows in the chaos that she has caused, she realises that Andres' cup could also be a Christian chalice and the nearest Christian location was the Mission of San Juan.
Abby drives them to the Mission and after talking to a few people; they go and investigate a library, ultimately uncovering a secret entrance to a crypt below. It is here that Jonah and Lara uncover the final resting place of Andres Lopez and his accomplice, Truylos Serrano. In his tomb, Lopez is clutching the Silver Box. Lara takes it but the crypt begins to shake. They flee but just as they make their escape, Dr. Dominguez and Commander Rourke are waiting for her, holding Jonah at gunpoint. She hands over the box in exchange for his life and learns that it was Dominguez who ordered the death of her father for wanting to publicize Paititi. Jonah uses the distraction to take the box and flee. She fights her way out and towards Jonah. He tries to take a helicopter for them but Dominguez pushes him out, keeping the box as he flies away, escaping a mudslide. Abby appears and escorts Jonah away from the cataclysm whilst Lara tries to chase the helicopter. She fails to get near it.
Lara and Jonah return to Paititi and meet with Uchu and Etzli, devising a plan to enter the ceremonial chambers and take the box and dagger back before Dominguez completes the ritual. Lara enters alone and comes face to face with the Crimson Fire, who is preparing herself for the ritual also. She sees no threat in Lara but hands over a mask for her to wear. Lara is now sided with and protected by the Yaaxil as they venture further into the ceremonial chamber. Rourke tries to use a mounted gun to take on the hoards of Yaaxil but they rip him apart. Lara finally climbs the main pyramid and comes face to face with Dominguez as he inserts the dagger into the Silver Box as a solar eclipse looms above. She fights against him and destroys podiums which he used to recharge, weakening him with every attack. She grabs the dagger from him and stabs him after stunning him, eventually killing him. In his last, dying breath, he begs Lara to protect Paititi, forcing her to hold the dagger and absorb its powers. Lara sees her younger self, happily talking with her father, she sees her mother painting and she sees her younger self at a picnic with her mother and father but she realises that this is a trick; she needs to sacrifice her own desires for the greater good. She steps back; saying goodbye to her parents and the mirage disappears. The Crimson Fire leads Lara to an altar, where she lies down. The Crimson Fire raises the dagger high and then slams it down, the tip of the blade stopping only millimetres from Lara's body. The dagger begins to absorb the power from her body to give the world a new life.
Two days later and Unuratu is laid to rest. Jonah plans to stay on in Kuwaq Yaku with Abby and to then head to the coast for a few days. Lara plans on staying in Paititi to see if Etzli and Paititi need help as she realises that she is done searching; she is ready to be among the living now. Etzli tells Jonah of his desire to see the outside world.
The epilogue of the game shows Lara in her father's now converted office as she is sat at her desk, penning a letter to Jonah with her artefacts and trinkets around her - including both the dagger and the silver box. Her butler brings in a tray of tea.
Trinity had been excavating in the wrong country and Lara has worked out that the clues were pointing to Peru, specifically the village of Kuwaq Yaku. The next day, they hire a small plane to travel there. The flight path goes through a storm and the pilot, Miguel, is knocked unconscious by a block of ice that shoots through the front window. Lara attempts to steady the plane to give Jonah time to jump out, but the back of the plane breaks away and the plane crashes. Lara wakes up, hanging from her seat. When she frees herself, she explores the Peruvian jungle for her gear, for Miguel, who was killed by a jaguar, and for Jonah, the latter she finds after taking on two jaguars in a fight. Jonah is mostly fine except for a tapeworm in his arm, which she removes. Jonah comes to the realisation that if Lara - with Jonah's help - doesn't take on Trinity, no one will. They move on but she is attacked by another jaguar; she kills it and skins it, stopping at a campfire to rest before nightfall. Jonah tends to her wounds and then she sleeps, dreaming of her childhood, the day of her father's murder. In the morning, they walk down to Kuwaq Yaku and meet Abby, who explains how there are ruins nearby but they are not Maya. Lara explores them regardless and uncovers another clue, that the way to the Hidden City lies beyond three 'trials': Trial of the Jaguar, Trial of the Spider and Trial of the Eagle. Luckily, Abby and Jonah has found another tunnel under the Inca ruins so Lara pushes on, completing the three trials.
She stumbles upon an abandoned village and helps rescue a scared boy captured in a snare trap, but she is ambushed by a group of local soldiers. A woman comes forward and questions Lara briefly before covering her head and taking her in to Paititi, the Hidden City. Now in a safe location, the woman questions Lara further, finding out that she is trying to stop Kukulkan (Trinity) from finding and using the Silver Box. The woman relaxes and brings in Jonah, who was captured whilst trying to find Lara. She believes that they are after the same thing and so the woman introduces herself as Unuratu, Queen of the Rebellion and of Paititi. She takes Lara through the Paititian market place to show her the state of the rebellion; Lara recognises a familiar face: Unuratu calls him Amaru, her brother-in-law while Lara calls him Dr. Dominguez. Lara and Unuratu decide to work together and they head to an entrance at the base of a mountain. Lara explores the underground sites and finds the silver statuette but no silver box. She exits the ruins via a water duct and briefly meets Etzli before he is captured by Kukulkan soldiers. She flees back to Unuratu's home and updates her before the pair vow to rescue Etzli from the barracks.
Lara travels to the Mountain Temple to continue her search for the Silver Box, entering a Salt mine entrance to gain access to the inner stronghold of the Barracks. She aids Unuratu in clearing a path to help rescue Etzli but the Queen is surrounded by Kukulkan soldiers, so she hands herself in, giving Uchu time to escort Etzli out. Lara pushes forward, entering the Cenote. She fights against the Yaaxil, protectors of the Silver Box, and finds the resting place for the Silver Box, however it is now missing. An earthquake tremor opens the chamber door and the Yaaxil, led by the Crimson Fire, believe that she has taken the box and give chase, Lara only just escaping.
Jonah manages to get hold of Lara on her radio, informing her that they have moved location to the Skull Cave. He and Uchu are working on a plan to free Unuratu from the prisons by the Old Temple and that Etzli went on to scout the temple. Uchu passes her the Serpent Guard outfit for safety and she heads off to meet Etzli. He gives her a pass code to say to the guards at the entrance. She uses the pass code and ventures in, overhearing Unuratu trying to reason with Amaru before being taken back to her cell. Lara has also learnt that a Christian missionary named Andres Lopez was the one who took the box from the Cenote in the 1600s. Lara heads off in the direction of the prison, finding an alternate route to Unuratu's cell. Once inside, she comforts a disheartened Queen with a clue to another possible location - the tattoo on Unuratu's right arm symbolises Sinchi Chiqa, the last true Emperor of Paititi, whose tomb is in the Upper district of Paititi. With revitalised passion, the two fight their way out and into the Upper district, walking through the busy crowd that has gathered to watch Amaru sacrifice rebellions. They enter the location of the tomb; Lara climbs up the statue and discovers yet another clue at the altar, this time a clue left behind by Lopez, a cup. Lara isn't given much time to dwell on it as Unuratu is attacked by Cultist soldiers. She jumps down to help but Unuratu is killed in front of her by Commander Rourke, who smugly leaves. In her dying breath, Queen Unuratu asks Lara to give Etzli an amulet, inheriting his position now as the King of Paititi. Lara fights her way out, meeting with Etzli, Uchu and Jonah down by the water - their planned escape route for Unuratu and Lara. She informs Etzli of his mother's passing and he bravely takes on the role of leader, sending her and Jonah on their way to find the Silver Box of Ix Chel before the next eclipse, before the Cult of Kukulkan finds it first.
On their voyage back to Kuwaq Yaku via a small sailing vessel, a Trinity helicopter spots them and opens fire, overturning the boat. Lara and Jonah are separated and Rourke taunts her via her walkie-talkie, saying that he has killed Jonah, thus coaxing her into Trinity's attack; however Lara has an epiphany and mercilessly kills all soldiers in her way. Jonah steps out of the wreckage and tries to console her but as Lara wallows in the chaos that she has caused, she realises that Andres' cup could also be a Christian chalice and the nearest Christian location was the Mission of San Juan.
Abby drives them to the Mission and after talking to a few people; they go and investigate a library, ultimately uncovering a secret entrance to a crypt below. It is here that Jonah and Lara uncover the final resting place of Andres Lopez and his accomplice, Truylos Serrano. In his tomb, Lopez is clutching the Silver Box. Lara takes it but the crypt begins to shake. They flee but just as they make their escape, Dr. Dominguez and Commander Rourke are waiting for her, holding Jonah at gunpoint. She hands over the box in exchange for his life and learns that it was Dominguez who ordered the death of her father for wanting to publicize Paititi. Jonah uses the distraction to take the box and flee. She fights her way out and towards Jonah. He tries to take a helicopter for them but Dominguez pushes him out, keeping the box as he flies away, escaping a mudslide. Abby appears and escorts Jonah away from the cataclysm whilst Lara tries to chase the helicopter. She fails to get near it.
Lara and Jonah return to Paititi and meet with Uchu and Etzli, devising a plan to enter the ceremonial chambers and take the box and dagger back before Dominguez completes the ritual. Lara enters alone and comes face to face with the Crimson Fire, who is preparing herself for the ritual also. She sees no threat in Lara but hands over a mask for her to wear. Lara is now sided with and protected by the Yaaxil as they venture further into the ceremonial chamber. Rourke tries to use a mounted gun to take on the hoards of Yaaxil but they rip him apart. Lara finally climbs the main pyramid and comes face to face with Dominguez as he inserts the dagger into the Silver Box as a solar eclipse looms above. She fights against him and destroys podiums which he used to recharge, weakening him with every attack. She grabs the dagger from him and stabs him after stunning him, eventually killing him. In his last, dying breath, he begs Lara to protect Paititi, forcing her to hold the dagger and absorb its powers. Lara sees her younger self, happily talking with her father, she sees her mother painting and she sees her younger self at a picnic with her mother and father but she realises that this is a trick; she needs to sacrifice her own desires for the greater good. She steps back; saying goodbye to her parents and the mirage disappears. The Crimson Fire leads Lara to an altar, where she lies down. The Crimson Fire raises the dagger high and then slams it down, the tip of the blade stopping only millimetres from Lara's body. The dagger begins to absorb the power from her body to give the world a new life.
Two days later and Unuratu is laid to rest. Jonah plans to stay on in Kuwaq Yaku with Abby and to then head to the coast for a few days. Lara plans on staying in Paititi to see if Etzli and Paititi need help as she realises that she is done searching; she is ready to be among the living now. Etzli tells Jonah of his desire to see the outside world.
The epilogue of the game shows Lara in her father's now converted office as she is sat at her desk, penning a letter to Jonah with her artefacts and trinkets around her - including both the dagger and the silver box. Her butler brings in a tray of tea.