ALSO SEE: DLC Transcripts
LOCATION: (FMV) England - Croft Manor - Prologue
(Lara is walking down a corridor. She sees a fire in front of her, and looking behind, she sees the corridor has collapsed.)
Lara: My god! |
LOCATION: (FMV) England - Croft Manor - Prologue
(Lara jumps down into the main hall from the upper corridor. Winston and Zip are trying to get out through the main doors. Zip turns around and sees Lara. He lifts a pistol that he held.)
Zip: Look out! (He fires the pistol and the shot hits the vase behind Lara.) Winston: Stop! It’s Lara! Zip: I know. (He starts firing again and Lara dives.) Winston: Wait! |
LOCATION: (FMV) Mediterranean Sea - The Path to Avalon
(Lara is stood on her yacht, looking out. She hears her laptop buzz and heads inside. She has a call from Zip and Alister.)
Zip: Hey Lara. Find it yet? Lara: Patience, Zip. I warned you that conveniently undiscovered islands would be scarce in the Mediterranean. Alister: Are you sure this Eddington chap knows what he’s talking about? Lara: If he says Father was convinced the path to Avalon was here, I have no reason to doubt it. Alister: Fair enough, but it’s...well...we’ve been talking about it and- Zip: You’ve been talking, man. Leave me out of it. Alister: It’s just...all right, maybe Avalon is real, but just because some mad woman tells you your, your mother didn’t die after all... I mean, look... I, I don’t want to seem heartless, but this, this idea of your mum living in some, some Celtic’s a, it’s a little bit mental, isn’t it? Lara: I have no illusions that my mother is holding court in some mythical paradise, Alister. I only want the truth, whatever it may be. I’ll ring you later. (Lara ends the call and heads out into the sea.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Mediterranean Sea - The Path to Avalon
(Lara walks through an ancient doorway. She takes out her field camera to takes some notes.)
Lara: Incredible. The carvings are clearly similar to early Germanic design, but this is far older than the 5th century, yet strangely enough, more sophisticated. (She looks above the doorway.) Proto-Norse runes? (She uses the camera to look closer at the ruins.) Let’s see... “World of Mist.” (She goes back to using the voice recorder.) That would be Niflheim, the realm of the dead. Not Avalon, exactly, but the Norse equivalent. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Mediterranean Sea - Niflheim
(Lara walks towards a large room with visible chains. A tentacle raises from below and breaks the floor beneath her. She regains footing as the tentacle drops back in the water. She takes out her camera, and crouches to take a look at the kraken in front of her.)
Lara: Oh, that’s lovely. (She uses the camera to look at the spiked object above it as well as the kraken’s eyes.) I hope it’s as blind as it looks. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Mediterranean Sea - Niflheim
(After defeating the kraken, Lara enters the room it had guarded. She approaches the gate at the back.)
Lara: Thor, the Norse God of Thunder. Whatever are you doing down here in Niflheim? (She notices a glowing gauntlet on a pedestal.) According to the Eddas, Thor needed special iron gauntlets to wield his mighty hammer Mjolnir... Could it be? |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Mediterranean Sea - The Norse Connection
(After opening the gate, Lara heads inside the room and touches the gauntlet. The outer hand shape crumbles to leave a small object that fits around the hand. Lara picks it up and places it on her left hand.)
Lara: Thor’s hammer Mjolnir was powerful enough to level mountains. But how does all this relate to Avalon? (Some armed mercenaries fill the room behind her. She quickly turns.) Mercenary: Put your hands on your head and turn around, slowly. (Lara surveys the situation and does as she’s asked.) Lara: I don’t suppose you’d be open to bribery, would you? (She is quickly knocked unconscious. When she comes to, the gauntlet is gone and she sees the mercenary walking off.) Mercenary: Amanda Evert sends her regard. (Lara grabs a pistol and tries to shoot him, only to find that he has removed all the bullets. He presses a button, and Lara hides from the blast of the explosives. It caves in the doorway, and Lara looks up to notice this.) Lara: Bloody hell. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Mediterranean Sea - God of Thunder
(Lara is now on board Amanda Evert’s ship. The mercenary from before chases and shoots Lara. She hides behind some tanks. His bullets have hit a gas pipe, and the gas is leaking from it.)
Lara: No! (Lara realises this and runs. He doesn’t notice and runs after her, shooting again. He causes an explosion, pushing Lara and killing him. The ship is now on fire and beginning to sink as an alarm rings. Lara gets up and continues on.) |
LOCATION: (FMV) Mediterranean Sea - God of Thunder
(Lara approaches a room and hears Amanda talking to someone. She is trying to put on the gauntlet Lara had found.)
Amanda: Damn, it’s too small... Familiar Voice: Only Lara can use it now. Amanda: Until I kill her. Familiar Voice: Even that won’t unbind the artifact- (The ship shakes and distracts them.) Amanda: We’re taking on water... Damnit! We’ll pick this up again later. (Amanda leaves and Lara walks into the room to see a woman held captive in a glass chamber. She is knelt down.) Natla: I’m very pleased to see you again, Lara. (She stands up and faces her.) This specimen jar offers little in the way of amusement, so I’ve grown fond of watching Amanda suffer the effects of sharing your interests. (Lara walks up to the chamber.) Lara: Jacqueline Natla. You just don’t know when to die. Natla: A trait we have in common. Lara: It was you who told Amanda about Avalon. (Grips on the top of the chamber begin to rotate and lock.) Natla: Our time is short, so choose your questions carefully. Lara: What do you know about my mother? Natla: The Dais you and she found in Nepal, it’s a part of network, so to speak. It took your mother to Avalon. Lara: My father thought Avalon was below, but that’s Niflheim. What’s the Norse connection? Natla: Ah, Richard found the wrong Norse underworld. Your mother didn’t go to Niflheim; she went to Helheim. Lara: Where is it? Natla: I will tell you where it is, one day. But when that day comes, you’ll need Thor’s hammer to get inside. Perhaps you’ll have better luck finding it than your father did. Lara: What do you mean? (The chamber is then lifted up.) Natla: Your answer is on the west coast of Thailand; seventh parallel. (The chamber is taken away by a helicopter, leaving Lara to make her way out.) |
LOCATION: (FMV) Coastal Thailand - Remnants
(Still on her yacht, Lara uses her camera to look at a way up. She is video calling Zip and Alister.)
Lara: None of the ruins are visible from down here. And if Father did explore this site, I see no sign of it yet. Zip: I still don’t see how Thailand is connected to Vikings, or ruins under the Med, or hell, even Avalon for that matter. Lara: Helheim, Zip. Various myths use different names, but they all apply to the same remnants of the ancient world. Alister: One of those remnants is still alive. I would hate to be Amanda if Natla ever gets free. Zip: I would hate to be any of us. (Lara quickly ends the chat.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Coastal Thailand - Remnants
(Lara walks through a stone corridor which opens up to a large area with two large stone figures in the distance.)
Lara: The characters are Vedic Sanskrit. (She takes her camera to get a closer look.) They’re severely weathered... “Bhogavati, of the seventh”... (She closes the lid to use it as a voice recorder.) It must be referring to the capital of Patala, the lowest infernal world in Hindu tradition. It’s a netherworld populated by snake-people, although the enlightened one, Narada, spoke rather fondly of it. (She puts the recorder away and walks to the edge of the central platform. In front are two stone figures, one upside down, like a mirror image.) That’s Shiva on top and his mistress Kali is down below. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Coastal Thailand - Bhogavati
(Lara walks down a corridor and takes out her recorder.)
Lara: The architecture here is different... it’s similar to the Niflheim ruins. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Coastal Thailand - The Ancient World
(After climbing down a hole into a large room, Lara approaches some large doors. She notices something glowing in her backpack, and takes out the left gauntlet, putting it on. She places her hand to the door, which glows and moves slightly in front of her. She tries the door and finds out that she can move it. She pulls her hand away and looks at the gauntlet.)
Lara: I can see where the rumors of Thor’s godlike strength came from. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Coastal Thailand - The Ancient World
(Lara walks down a long walkway which leads to a wooden pedestal. The ground beneath her glows, and when she reaches the centre, she looks at the large, Thor figure which stands on the side.)
Lara: This was here long before the upper temple was added. (She looks around and sees a map above the doorway. She takes out her camera to look at them.) Proto-Norse runes again. My son, your treasures here and far – this gauntlet’s twin, your belt, Megingjord, and the mighty Mjolnir – are protected by the dead to keep Jörmungandr subdued. (She closes the camera and puts it away.) But the map’s been destroyed, and recently. (She turns and looks at the pedestal.) If one of Thor’s Gauntlets was here, it’s gone now. (She walks towards it and sees something etched into the wood.) What’s this? “Natla - I see your goal and am your puppet no longer – Richard James Croft.” (She steps back and looks at the map.) Father did this. (She looks at the etching again.) “RJC...” Strange...Father never used his middle initial in monograms to avoid confusion with his father... That’s where you hid the artifact. You sly old fox. Now if I can just make it back to the boat... (Lara looks to the way out.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Coastal Thailand - The Ancient World
(As Lara walks out of the large room with the ruined map, movable walkway and large Thor statue, she notices the runes on the wall lose their glow. She looks at the gauntlet and sees that it has also gone out. She tries it against the door but nothing happens.)
Lara: And I am Thor no longer, it seems. I wonder how he charged it up again? (She takes it off and puts it in her backpack.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Coastal Thailand - Puppet No Longer
(Lara climbs back on her yacht and picks up her laptop, calling Zip and Alister. She takes it to the front and sits down at the steering wheel, with the laptop in the seat beside her.)
Zip: You find anything? Lara: There was a map, but Father destroyed it. Alister: Well, the acorn certainly didn’t fall very far from the tree. Lara: He did it deliberately, to keep the information from Natla. But I’m sure he recorded everything first, and what’s more, he’s found Thor’s other Gauntlet. Zip: Where did he put it? Lara: Right under your nose. (She drives off.) |
LOCATION: (FMV) England - Croft Manor
(Winston leads Lara to a secret door in the tech room.)
Winston: My apologies, Lady Croft, but I have not tended to the crypt recently. (Zip and Alister stand up to have a look at the new opening.) Alister: Why didn’t you ever tell us this was down here? Zip: Hell, I wish I still didn’t know. Ya know what? (Lara tries the light switch just inside the door. However it doesn’t work.) I’ll wait up here. (She comes back out to grab some flash lights.) Lara: I did warn you that playing your music so loud could wake the dead. (She throws a light to Zip, and Zip and Alister pick up a box from the floor. They follow Lara and Winston down the stairs into the crypt). Zip: Damn, this is creepy... Alister: What makes you think it’s here? Lara: Father signing his name with all three initials was a clear reference to my grandfather. (She kneels down by her grandfather’s tomb and searches it, finding a switch.) Light, please. (Flicking it causes the tomb to move aside, revealing a hole.) Ah, it seems my father was full of surprises. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) England - Croft Manor, Protected by the Dead
(Lara finds a secret study underneath the crypt. In the room is a desk in the middle. She approaches it, finding the Gauntlet on it as well as a tape player and a file. She listens to the tape.)
Lord Croft: Hello, Lara. Here in this room is everything we recovered from Bhogavati, Thailand. Be especially careful with the thralls – (Lara looks at the metal crates. Something had clearly gotten free from them.) they managed to kill six of us before we boxed them up. They were protecting one of the Thor’s Gauntlets and a map showing where the rest of his treasures were hidden, all of which are necessary to open the way to Avalon. The Norse believed this site contains a powerful weapon and to safeguard against this possibility, I destroyed the original map. (Lara picks up the file and flicks through it.) I hope this was not a terrible mistake, but if it was, I hope you and your mother can forgive me. (She puts the file down and touches the gauntlet. It crumbled, like the other one had, and the centre bit levitated. Lara grabbed it and placed it to her right hand.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) England - Croft Manor - Protected by the Dead
(As Lara leaves her father’s study, she notices that the right gauntlet has lost its glow.)
Lara: That didn’t last long. Ah, well. (She puts it into her backpack.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) England - Croft Manor - Protected by the Dead
(Lara is walking down a corridor. She sees a fire in front of her, and looking behind, she sees the corridor has collapsed.)
Lara: My god! |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) England - Croft Manor - Protected by the Dead
(Lara jumps down into the main hall from the upper corridor. Winston and Zip are trying to get out through the main doors. Zip turns around and sees Lara. He lifts a pistol that he held.)
Zip: Look out! (He fires the pistol and the shot hits the vase behind Lara.) Winston: Stop! It’s Lara! Zip: I know. (He starts firing again and Lara dives behind cover.) Winston: Wait! (Zip runs out of bullets and tries to reload. Lara pops out of cover with her pistols aimed at him.) Lara: Drop it, Zip, or I’ll drop you. Zip: What, so you can shoot me again?! Winston: It wasn’t Lara. Why would she set fire to her own home? Zip: She got into the vault. It had to be her. (Lara approaches with her pistols still pointed.) Lara: Is that what happened here? Someone blew open the vault? Zip: All right, say it wasn’t you. (He begins to hobble towards Lara.) Someone who looked a hell of a lot like you opened it using the retina scanner. Lara: Impossible. Zip: Exactly! (Lara uses his pistol to tell him to drop his, and he throws it to the side, along with the clip.) Lara: Then what happened? Zip: You...she got away with Amanda’s Wraith Stone. Lara: (looks to Winston) Where’s Alister? Winston: We haven’t seen him. Lara: I’m going to the tech room to watch the security video. You two get out before the roof comes down. (She walks away and Winston helps Zip.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) England - Croft Manor - Protected by the Dead
(Lara drops into the tech room but feels something is near. She stops and looks around, seeing what looks like a reflection on the other side. She moves closer to the glass and the shadow copies, giving Lara a good look of her.)
Lara: No... (Lara steps slowly towards a button and Alister appears, coughing on the smoke. The shadow shoots him.) Nooooooo! (She presses the button and turns to see her doppelganger right in front of her. The two fight, with the doppelganger outsmarting her most of the time. The doppelganger quickly leaves and Lara tends to Alister.) Alister! Alister: I feel...bloody awful. Lara: Shhh... Just lie still. Alister: I’ll see...see you... Lara: Alister, hold on! Alister: see Lara: Damnit! (Outside, Winston and Zip watch as the doppelganger jumps out of Croft Manor and runs off. Then they see Lara carrying Alister on her shoulder. She places his body down on the ground in front of them.) Zip: Ahh. No! (Winston checks his pulse but shakes his head at Zip.) What the hell was that thing? Lara: I’ve only seen something like it once before – a doppelganger that Natla sent after me years ago, but that one didn’t have a mind of its own. Winston: But how could Natla have sent it if she’s Amanda’s prisoner? Lara: They’re a team of sorts now. Amanda and Natla, her pet Atlantean god. Zip: What are we going to do? Lara: After I deal with the authorities, I’m going to southern Mexico to retrieve Thor’s Belt. Zip: What?! Alister’s dead!’s as usual?! Lara: I need Thor’s belt to get his hammer, and I need the hammer to kill a god. (Lara walks away.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Southern Mexico - The Unnamed Days
(Lara walks into an area where there is a dial on the ground. She takes out her camera to record the calendar.)
Lara: The Mayan Calendar had only 360 days, and the remaining five were the Unnamed Days. (She flips the camera in a voice recorder.) The Maya believed that each year when the Unnamed Days arrived, the gates to the underworld would open. (She walks around it to look beyond it at the Ball court and another calendar.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Southern Mexico - Xibalba
(After entering the hidden temple under the Ball Court, Lara comes to a stop before a spike pit and examines her surroundings, using her camera recorder.)
Lara: Mayan hieroglyphs..."The Place of Fear.” It’s definitely Xibalba. The Mayan land of the dead. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Southern Mexico - The Midgard Serpent
(Lara enters a large room and walks into the centre. There is a ring of seated figures and a table-like surface in the middle. She takes out her voice recorder.)
Lara: The Lords of Xibalba were said to kill visitors for sport by sending them into devious trap rooms. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Southern Mexico - The Midgard Serpent
(Now below the room with the Lords of Xibalba, Lara walks down a corridor with a large engraving. She takes out her voice recorder.)
Lara: The Midgard Serpent, Jörmungandr, that lies on the bottom of the ocean, encircling all the world. (She moves along to the next part of the wall.) The coming of Ragnarök. Jörmungandr thrashes beneath the sea, flooding the land and vomiting its deadly poison into the air. (She moves to the last section on the wall.) The final battle of the gods. Thor kills Jörmungandr with his hammer, Mjornir, but then he retreats only nine steps before he succumbs to the serpent’s venom. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Southern Mexico - The Midgard Serpent
(Just beyond the corridor is a large room flooded with blue liquid, with more flowing from the mouths of snake statues. Lara takes out the camera and looks up at the opposite snake.)
Lara: Jörmungandr, the Midgard Serpent. (She flips it to the recorder.) All these ancient sites inspired underworld myths in later cultures...perhaps because they were all protected by the walking dead. (She puts the camera back on her belt.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Southern Mexico - The Midgard Serpent
(Lara leaves Xibalba and returns back to the Ball Court, equipped with Megingjord as the two gauntlets. She stops the bike and calls Zip. The temple closes up behind her.)
Lara: Zip, I have everything I need to get Thor’s hammer. Do you have better coordinates for me? Zip: Yeah, I enhanced your dad’s photos of the map. I’m uploading to your PDA now. Lara: And your other project? Zip: Haven’t tracked ‘em down yet. Still working on it. Lara: Very good – I’ll call when I get to Jan Mayen Island. (She puts the phone into her backpack and rides off.) |
LOCATION: (FMV) Jan Mayen Island
(Lara rides her ATV across the snow and comes to a stop at an edge.)
Zip: Hey! You know that big expensive ship of Amanda’s? Lara: The one on the bottom of the Mediterranean? Zip: Uh-huh, that one. (Lara begins to ride off again.) She has a sister; the Tisiphone, anchored off the coast of Thailand. Looks like they’re picking through your leftovers. Lara: (Comes to a stop once again.) You’ve earned some rest. I’ll take it from here. Zip: Be careful. And when you see Amanda, give her my regards. (Lara heads inside a frozen cavern.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Jan Mayen Island - Gate of the Dead
(Lara stops at the bottom of the slope, in a room with a tall, central pillar. She looks at the large doors with a Norse face. She takes out her camera to record it.)
Lara: “Hall of the Slain.” Valhalla – Odin’s hall, where the warriors who died in battle came to feast and prepare to fight in the final battle of Ragnarök. That makes this Valgrind, the Gate of the Dead. “Old is that gate, and how to unbolt it, few now know.” Hmmm. Where are the Valkyries when you need them? |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Jan Mayen Island - Valhalla
(Lara enters a small room off the side of the large room with the swinging hammers. There is a large corpse in front of her, and she approaches it. She takes out her voice recorder.)
Lara: Perhaps these yeti creatures inspired the Viking stories of Frost Giants. (She puts her camera back to her belt and walks away. The Yeti comes to life and Lara grabs her pistols, ready to fight.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Jan Mayen Island - Valhalla
(At the end of the large room with swinging hammers, Lara walks up the stairs and pauses. She takes out her camera to study the runes.)
Lara: Thor, greatest of my sons, and the greatest weapon on Earth, are at last reunited. Upon my return, through rituals old and the power of Mjornir, together we will open the seals of Helheim and fulfil our destinies. (She puts the camera back on her belt and continues up the stairs, into a room where the hammer stands on a pedestal in front of a large Thor statue. The air around the pedestal is smoky and crackling with harmless lightning. As Lara walks towards it, the gauntlets and belt begin to glow. She reaches towards it and sparks of lightning connects between the hammer and the gauntlet. She picks it up.) Mjornir – slayer of giants and the Midgard Serpent. More importantly, the key to Helheim, wherever that is. Time to pay Natla a visit. |
LOCATION: (FMV) Andaman Sea - Rituals Old
(Now inside Amanda’s second ship, Tisiphone, Lara heads to the chamber holding Natla. She grabs the hammer ready.)
Lara: Avalon, Helheim, I don’t care what it’s called...where is it? (Natla turns when she hears her voice.) Natla: Look at all you’ve done...incredible. I will never doubt you again. Lara: Tell Natla: Very well. (She steps towards the glass and scribbles something with her finger.) But before you put me to death, tell me, are you prepared to wait for Odin to appear and perform the ritual to open Helheim? Lara: And you know this ritual, of course. Natla: I’m sure you’ve realized that I want to get to Avalon just as much as you do, but neither of us can go alone. You need my ritual, and I need your hammer. Lara:, when you step out of line, you’ll get it. (She raises the hammer to smash the glass, but Amanda and the doppelganger join them.) Amanda: Stop! Lara: You...destroyed my home. You killed Alister! Amanda: I got what I wanted. (She lifts her Wraith Stone.) Isn’t that all we care about? (She prepares to use it and Lara readies herself with the hammer, but the doppelganger picks up Amanda and throws her over the railing.) Arrrrghhh! Lara: You can die too! (She swings the hammer at her, but the doppelganger dodges the blasts and runs off.) Natla: Ah, Lara, you really are a woman after my own heart. Lara: (She swings the hammer into the glass.) Yahhh!!! (She is about the swing it at Natla, who cowers, but changes her mind.) Get out of my sight. (Natla stands and kicks to her the shard of glass with the coordinates on.) Natla: Meet you there. (She flies away.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Arctic Sea - Yggdrasil
(Lara walks towards a room where there is a figure standing at the far edge before a long drop. Lara recognises her.)
Lara: Mother? Mother? It’s me. It’s Lara. (The woman turns her head, and Lara realises that something isn’t right. The woman turns around and begins to hobble towards her daughter. Lara is disappointed and upset, seeing her mother as a thrall.), no, no... (She lifts and points a pistol at her.) My mother is dead. My mother is dead. My mother died a long time ago. (She tells herself as the thrall lifts an arm at her.) You’re not my mother. (The thrall leaps for Lara and she shoots her back, pulling out her second pistol to push her back, sending her over the edge. Lara collapses to her knees, and Natla appears.) Natla: I’ve lived many times longer than your entire civilization, and I’ve never seen such delicious irony. When I heard what happened to the wife of the great Richard Croft, I knew I could set him on a desperate quest to find what I desired most. Then he betrayed me in Thailand, and for that I killed him myself. But when you showed up with Thor’s Gauntlet, I knew I could send you off in your father’s footsteps, confident they would lead us to this very spot. (Lara stands and takes out Thor’s hammer.) Lara: You seem to have forgotten what I would be holding. (She attempts to use it on Natla but the doppelganger appears behind and stops her. She holds her still as Natla steps closer.) Natla: When I made this creature for Amanda, she had no idea that my true purpose was to have the means to destroy you at this very moment. The two of you never suspected that you were mere actors in my play. And so it ends. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a serpent to raise. (Natla walks away. Lara fights against the doppelganger, and when it seems the doppelganger is going to kill Lara, Amanda appears and uses the Wraith Stone to pull her off and over the edge.) Lara: Amanda?! (She slowly stands up.) Amanda: Trust me, I wanted to let it finish you off, but the Midgard Serpent will tear the world apart, and only Thor’s Hammer can stop it! (They look down the corridor to see several yeti thralls approaching.) Go! I’ll hold ‘em off! (Lara leaves and Amanda uses the Wraith Stone to kill them.) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Arctic Sea - Yggdrasil
(Lara heads down some steps to a walkway around a central pillar. She can see Natla above. She equips the Mjornir and blasts her.)
Lara: Shut it down! Natla: Lara! Unexpected, but I’m glad you’re here. You should be allowed to see firsthand the fruits of your labor. Lara: That’s the Midgard Serpent? Natla: Of course not. Jörmungandr is the network of tectonic ridges that encircles the earth on the ocean floor. And we stand now on its weakest point, where the ancient supercontinent Pangaea first broke in two. When this relic unleashes its fury below, the very seams of this planet will burst. “The Midgard Serpent will rise up and spew poison into the air, and all the world will be consumed by fire and ash.” Ragnarök! The seventh age is upon us! (Pillars around the device begin to lock, holding the device into place. However one of the four fails, and the walkway breaks into smaller chunks which float. Lara knows what she must do, and Natla attempts to blast her but Lara dodges.) |
LOCATION: (FMV) Arctic Sea - Out of Time
(With all pillars knocked out, the device is unstable. Natla flies over to hold it up and Lara throws Mjornir at her, knocking her into the eitr below. The device crumbles and topples, raising the level of eitr. Lara runs to help Amanda, and she resists her help.)
Amanda: After killing the Midgard Serpent, Thor dies from its venom anyway. (Lara looks to the corridor.) Lara: Not if you clear the corridor and get us out of here! (Amanda tried with the Wraith Stone but it is too weak.) Amanda: Out of juice, just like Bolivia. (Lara begins looking around.) The good news is we saved the world. The bad news is now we’re going to die here, just like your mother. (Lara threatens to punch her, but remembers something.) Lara: Wait... (She spots a portal in the distance. She runs off with Amanda following.) Mother must have tried to use it to escape but didn’t know how. (She presses the sword, and the outer ring rises.) If pulling out these artifacts always brings you here, what will happen if I’m already here? Amanda: Maybe you’ll go to hell. (Lara notices that one of the five pillars has a block broken off, but she picks it up and places it on. It works, the portal activates, just like she had seen before, but the piece won’t stay in place on its own.) Damn it. I can’t reach the sword, but you can. Amanda: What about you? Lara: I can reach you if you hold out your hand. Amanda: You trust me? Lara: we’re out of time, Amanda. (She thinks about it and holds the sword. She is fighting with her anger at Lara, but in the end, does the right thing.) Amanda: Now! (She pulls out the sword and reaches for Lara’s hand. They meet, and are taken through the portal to Nepal. It activates and throws them to the ground. Lara stands and sees the sword on the ground. She hears behind her that Amanda’s Wraith Stone has more power.) Lara: So, it’s back to this, is it? Amanda: What, you think we’re even? Lara: (Putting the sword on her back.) Would killing me make us even? (The stone stops glowing and Amanda walks away. Lara notices the pages of her diary that she had dropped when she was little, still by the portal, and picks them up.) Goodbye, Mother. Rest in peace. (She too then leaves.) |