LOCATION: (Cut scene) China - Great Wall of China
(As Lara approaches the entrance to the Temple of Xian, she is jumped upon by Claudio, a member of the cult ‘Fiama Nera’. She pushes him down and aims her guns at him)
Lara: Pardon me, if that was just your way of trying the doors for me. Claudio: (laughs) With a tommy gun on my keyring. Lara: Though not anymore. So after you. Claudio: Somehow, you don’t behave like you’ve got a monk’s blood. Lara: I understand that ‘somehow’ is in my favour. So indulge me about the dagger, I’d be indebted with your life. Claudio: These doors are waiting for the right one, the right time to arrive and then the dagger’s blade will honour the hearts of those who believe. So, unless you pledge your loyalty as well… Lara: And which one is that? Claudio: To the sins and fortunes of Marco Bartoli. (drinks a flask of poison and dies quickly) Lara: (holsters her guns) Perhaps not just yet, then. (She uses the nearby laptop to do some research) Aha! Gianni Bartoli. Via Caravelli, Venice |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Atlantic Ocean – Cargo Plane
(Lara has boarded a cargo plane which was docked outside Bartoli’s hideout. She begins to search through the boxes and crates for clues as she listens to Marco and Fabio talking from inside the cockpit)
Fabio: It’s not the workload that is worrying me. Perhaps the tide has gulped it away. Perhaps Gianni had never…I don’t know. It’s just his grave has surrendered nothing, like we say, ‘substantial.’ It’s all very interesting…oh yes, I’m sure of it. Believe me, but it’s not quite the same now, is it? Marco: Someday you will get a speeding ticket for that tongue, Fabio. Fabio: Hey, it’s just a gut feeling, but maybe you were wrong to look there. Marco: (punches Fabio in the gut) Is your belief so fragile!? (Fabio loses control of the plane, but regains it a second later) Marco: Relax. Breath deep. The gut, Fabio, has no more direction than a simple ‘through and out.’ Honest perhaps, but not enlightened. When my father left when I was a boy, he confided to me that he was enlightened…beckoned by something greater than impulse. He possessed the Seraph, but he was just a disciple in this design. His death, plotting a path to be sought by the one, his son. You understand? Have faith, Fabio, not gut-rot. We are searching the right place. Fabio: I know it. I believe it, Marco. Marco: Good. (He leaves the cockpit and calls down to Eros in the cargo hold) Eros, have you… (He sees Lara pointing her pistols up at him)…fixed that rail yet? Eros: (Sneaks up behind Lara and knocks her over the head with a wrench) Si |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Atlantic Ocean – Offshore Rig
(Marco and Fabio are threatening a monk for information)
Marco: (turns to Fabio) Blood or answers…I have no preference. He should spill a bit of both. Fabio: Okay, Marco! (looks to the monk) Glad to have you aboard. (starts beating him) What do you want? Come on…stick to your stomach. Tell me! Where in monastery should we look? Eh, Brother? (Lara arrives on the scene just after the men leave. She walks over to the bruised monk and inspects him) Monk: Oh, you are not one of them. Lara: But you are a monk? Monk: Brother Chen Barkhang. You have come for me. I saw bright light surround me. Lara: That was gunfire. I think it was them who got taken away by it. Monk: But you are my guide. My path-beater to a next incarnation. I have done my time here, haven’t I? Lara: What are you doing here? With Marco Bartoli? Monk: Nothing. I…I led righteous life…here for reasons rooted only in necessary evil, as my father was before me when he bombed Gianni’s vessel deep into these waters. And now I am here…uh, was here, to prevent his son from salvaging the Seraph. Lara: The Seraph? Monk: You not know my life’s work well. You sure you’re not here for them? (gestures to the dead cultists nearby) Lara: Their Jackanory days are well over. (She changes into a wetsuit as she listens) Monk: They want the Seraph to unlock a malignant treasure we contain in our monastery in Tibet. Since being stolen by imbecile vagabonds centuries ago, we been without key to it… relying solely on cleansing of our prayers to keep it subdued. Then the occultist Gianni B. acquired it. Trouble we knew, he breathed life back into ancient belief, one not to be stopped by any amount of head bowing. And now again it is here, Marco, infected with madness. He has violent mind, but not yet the power to satiate it. So, we reach for our weapons once more. Lara: The true Dettox of evil. Monk: Where can you be taking me? Thought this was my big break. Guess change is as good as rest. (sighs) I need one. (Marco emerges from a higher ledge and shoots Chen twice in the chest. Lara fires back as she flees for the mini sub in a neighbouring room, diving out of danger in true Lara style ) |
LOCATION: (In Game) England – Croft Manor
(After clearing out her manor of Fiama Nera goons, Lara heads up to shower. She turns and looks to the camera as she lifts up the shotgun)
Lara: Don’t you think you’ve seen enough?! (She then shoots at the camera, knocking it back to look up at the ceiling) |