LOCATION: (Cut scene) Cambodia – Angkor Wat
(1984. Von Croy and Lara have entered a Cambodian temple)
Werner: And so, we breach the sanctum of the ancients. The first footfalls in this tomb for centuries. Lara: This place gives me the creeps. After you. (Lara is given a tutorial at various stages of the level) (At beginning of level) Werner: Careful. All is not as it seems. Concealed traps and pitfalls await the unweary. You must stay close and follow my instruction. Werner: Good men have died for the information contained herein, and cruel men have bartered the information for their own ends. For this, we must respect it. We will not deviate from its route and you will not deviate from my instruction. This way. (At first 1 tile jump) Werner: The first obstacle, a small hop to test your – how do you say – pluck! Press and hold walk, now push forward. Werner: Come, come child, do not fear, this is merely an appetizer for the perils ahead. Push forward and jump together. (At a series of jumps – first jump) Werner: Patience, child, disrespect is the route to carelessness. Our route lays beyond the stream. Werner: This gap is wider and the edge is treatreous. First walk to the edge, then press forward and jump together. When you are in mid-air, press and hold action. You will grab the outcrop. (At a series of jumps – second jump) Werner: Ah, the pace is quickening now, ja? One more crossing, child. Or do you wish to stop for…tea? Lara: Oh, I think I can just about hold it together. Wouldn’t want to spill it on your nice suit, at any rate. Werner: This one calls for a run-up. I will go first. (After Werner jumps the gap) Werner: Be careful now, child. We have little time for incompetence. Walk to the edge, then tap back to give yourself a run up. Now, press forward and immediately press and hold jump. Now hold down action to grab on to the ledge. (At shimmy point) Werner: A useful crack, rendered by the hand of time, invisible to the untrained eye. Lara: You’re a regular superhero, Werner. Werner: Ah, yes, the super…man? Hmph! Is enough comedy. (Werner climbs up) Werner: Run to the wall. Now press forward and hold action to grab on. Now press right to shimmy across. (At room with long drop) Werner: This is a high fall. You should lower yourself down to be safe. Turn around to face away from the door. Now press back and hold action. Let go of action to fall to the floor. Werner: Your chance to earn your keep, fraulein. The mechanism to activate the bridge lies at the other side of the stream. These rivers cascade through chambers and caverns deep below these prehistoric foothills. As a consequence… Lara: Freezing! I guessed. The old gout playing up again, Werner? Werner: In deep pools, you can swim by pressing jump. Use the directions to navigate through the water; there may be artefacts, trinkets at the bed. (Lara emerges after a swim) Lara: Your average seaweed. Werner: No prizes for you this time, Lara. Ah well. Use forward and left and right to move across the surface until you reach the shore. Then press action to climb out. (At first ladder – for lever) You will catch your death in those clothes, my dear. A quick sprint up that ladder will dry you out again. Lara: Such concern, I never knew you cared. Werner: Dear Lara, you are valuable asset to the quest. Lara: You old romantic you. Werner: (chuckles) Yes, quite. Werner: Walk up to the ladder. Now press and hold action to climb up on to it. Keep this button pressed and use forward to climb to the top. (Lara climbs up the ladder) Werner: There will be another lever up there. Pull it, then get back down here quickly. The quest is nearly at an end. (Lara and Werner reach a large circular doorway) Werner: There is no mention of this in the texts; I fear this must be opened internally. We must enter through the grate and be wary of snares. Lara: I presume by ‘we’ you refer to ‘me’. Werner: Ja. My heavier frame may activate traps, you will pass unnoticed. Lara: How convenient. Werner: Stand facing the grate. Now press and hold the crouch button. Push forward to crawl into the gap. Be alert! (Lara crawls back out with a fancy backpack) Werner: Ah, a backpack. Let us hope it does not hold the same luck for you, as its previous owner. Lara: I make my own luck, Werner. What now? Werner: Now it begins. The eyes of the ancients are upon us, and their vengence is wrathful. We must move quickly! When running, press and hold sprint to gain extra speed. (They reach two different paths. If the player does collect all 8 Golden Skulls) Werner: So you’ve found the Garden of Five Towers. Well done, my child. To the right, the Path of the Heretical. To the left is the Route of the Virtuous. Lara: I’m up for a little heresy. (If the player does not collect all 8 Golden Skulls) Werner: The Garden of the Five Towers. To the right, the Path of the Heretical. To the left is the Route of the Virtuous. Lara: You know me, Werner…a regular virtuoso. (They enter the Garden of Five Towers ((Left path)) Werner: Now it becomes interesting, ja? You see now, it is not for the weak of heart. How do you hold up, girl? Lara: Oh, I think I could get used to this. Werner: The door before us requires two people to open it. You go up to the alcove above the door. I will activate the switch down here. (In front of crawl space) Werner: Push forward. Now press and hold action. When you are hanging from the ledge, hold down crawl to squeeze into the gap. (At the rope) Werner: Swing across to the alcove. Jump from the ledge, then hold down action to grab the vine. To release, let go of action. (Next level – Race for the Iris) Werner: And now for the last. You are an exemplary student, Lara, although you have not yet learned the root of all adventuring…the craving to win at whatever cost. I throw down the gauntlet to you, my child. Whoever is first to the Iris claims the prize. Lara: Watch your back, old man. I warn you…I’ll pull no punches. Werner: (laughs) I expected no less. On the count of three: one…two… (If Lara loses) Werner: Ha! I’m not such an old man after all, ja?! Come here child, the mechanism will require us both to release it. (referring to a cog wheel) Lara: (Crouches to read inscriptions) The plinth inscription warns of vengeance on those who remove it. (If Lara wins) Werner: And so the pupil excels the master. I congratulate you on your agility. Take your prize from the plinth. You have earned it. Lara: In the time you took to find your way here, I've examined the inscriptions. It warns of vengeance on those who remove it. Werner: Ah, ancient hocus pocus. Forget this nonsense and come over here. Lara: I don't count poison darts and triggered entombment your average child's tea party. I feel we should lend this some respect. Werner: Ah, and you are the world-famous archaeologist-adventurer, Lara Croft, ja? No, no, I am the renowned archaeologist-adventurer, Werner Von Croy, and you will do as I say! Go to the wall and pull the lever! Lara: What was it that you said? Disrespect is the route to carelessness? Werner: I am weary of this. Pull the lever now, Miss Croft! Lara: On your head be it, Von Croy. (The large sphere in the middle of the room opens up. Von Croy crosses the bridge) Werner: Have faith in experience, child, and you will learn more than simple... (As Von Croy touches the Iris, the room begins to shake) Lara: You were saying? (Von Croy loses his footing and slips off the platform, his foot getting caught in a crack. He calls for help) Werner: My leg! My leg! I am trapped! My leg is trapped! Help me, Lara! Help me! Lara: Hold on! I'm coming back to get you! (But the bridge has collapsed and the sphere is closing) Lara: Werner! (Lara dashes for the exit just as the temple begins to collapse) |
LOCATION: (FMV) Egypt – Outside the Tomb of Seth
(Lara takes the Amulet of Horus out of her backpack and translates the inscriptions)
Lara: (reads) I, Semerkhet, High Priest of Horus, (voice changes to Semerkhet) forewarn that he who removes the amulet shall have released Set. He who walked abroad with the jackal at the dawn of man shall once again violate the earth. Set, ruler of evil, will again be free at the turn of the distant millennia. At his heel…plagues of locusts. (Scene changes back to Lara) Harvests fail under the broken skies. (Ahmed has arrived and points a gun at Lara) Lara: My trusty companion returns. Ahmed: The amulet woman! Lara: (continues reading inscription) Once called forth shall the heavens split asunder, and the light of the sun god, Horus, banish the lord of darkness, Set. (Lightning strikes the temple behind and a dark cloud of dust makes it difficult. Ahmed sees his gun on the ground but as he leans to pick it up, Lara cocks her guns) Lara: I wouldn't advise it. (A Jeep pulls up to the site and honks. Lara escapes |
LOCATION: (FMV) Egypt – After KV5
(Lara has managed to escape Ahmed and any mercs. She floors the accelator peddle of her jeep and lands on a leaving boat. Werner arrives on the scene)
Werner: Fools! The Croft woman has outsmarted you, ja? And now she escapes. Ahmed: The amulet Heir Von Croy! It talks of the priest, Semerkhet! Voice: Semerkhet! |
LOCATION: (FMV) Egypt – Home of Jean-Yves
(Lara drives up to the house and walks in)
Jean-Yves: Mon dieu! Lara? Lara: Jean-Yves, my faithful friend. Jean-Yves: I fear this is not a social visit. Lara: Only if you want Von Croy gate crashing the party. Jean-Yves: Von Croy? Lara: I think he was looking for this. (She shows him the amulet) Jean-Yves: The Amulet of Horus. An almost legendary artefact. So, you have found and opened the tomb of Set. This doesn’t bode well. (walks over to a manuscript on his desk) Translating from the Hebrew, “He who removes the amulet shall once more, release the dark power of Set. And Set sayeth, ‘I am the shadow across the sun. I am the bringer of plagues. My wrath will consume all lands and shall be ceaseless.’ (Scene changes as Semerkhet speaks) The power to summon the sun god, Horus, to bind the evil Set, shall only be revealed to the bearer of the amulet within the temple of Semerkhet at Karnak. (Scene and voice returns to Jean Yves) The ceremony is complete as the Armour of Horus summons the sun god." The armour of Horus. At the dig site in Alexandria, my men talk fearfully of this. Lara: The armour must also be Von Croy's goal. Jean-Yves: Only one so ignorant of the prophecies would dabble with such a prehistoric evil. Ah yes, releasing Set. But how could you have known, my dear? Lara: Time to put things right and remove the thorn in my side in the process. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Egypt – At the Temple of Karnak
(As Lara ventures through the Temple of Karnak, Von Croy turns up. He dispatches his men)
Werner: After her! |
LOCATION: (FMV) Egypt – At the Temple of Karnak
(As Lara starts to enter the temple, she hears Von Croy, who is hiding around the corner)
Werner: Miss Croft! Lara: Von Croy. Werner: You sound concerned, my dear. Have you misplaced something? Lara: Nothing that I shan't be retrieving at a later date, lieber. Werner: You know how I admire your perseverance, but I fear this time you may be testing it to the…how would you say? Maximum? Lara: Always griping, Werner. If it's the leg that's causing all this resentment, I seem to remember that being down to your affinity with pulling hazardous levers. Werner: Enough of this tedious banter, Miss Croft. It is time for you to realise... (hears Lara cocking her pistols) Miss Croft? (Von Croy peeks around the corner as Lara shoots at him) Werner: Now let us review your sprinting skills. (He removes the amulet from the receptacle and traps Lara inside |
LOCATION: (FMV) Egypt – Tomb of Semerkhet
Lara: (turns on her flashlight and reads the hieroglyphics on the wall) For I have served the god of light, Horus, at the time of plagues. To read this inscription means that the ruler of darkness is free. (voice changes to Semerkhet) Set is released to walk abroad amongst the mortals, enlisting his armies of the night to serve him. He who removes the amulet and releases the dark power of Set shall summon the sun god, Horus, for only the power of light will again imprison him. By the power of the amulet and armor of Horus shall Set be everly confined for all eternity. Summon the light of Horus through the light of the millennial constellations into his temple beneath the ageless pyramid, into his likeness set in stone. With his amulet and his armour, he is once again poised to battle and defeat Set.
LOCATION: (FMV) Egypt – Outside Temple of Semerkhet
(Lara exits the tomb and sees Ahmed. She points her guns at the back of his head)
Lara: Hands on your head! Take me to Von Croy. (sees a helicopter fly off) Where's he headed? Ahmed: You waste your time. Lara: This attitude problem! You people need to learn some manners. Tell me now or you've just run out of time. Ahmed: Alexandria. (Lara knocks him unconscious. She changes into his robes and boards the train that is heading to Alexandria) Lara: Your work force is about to be delayed. |
LOCATION: (FMV) (Cut scene) Alexandria – Jean-Yves Field Office
(Jean-Yves is sitting at his desk in his office. Lara enters the room)
Jean-Yves: Lara, you are alive! I feared for you. What… Lara: Von Croy has the amulet. Jean-Yves: Ah, this is bad. But he doesn't yet have the armour. There is still time to prepare for Set. Lara: Jean, I'm tired. Give a girl a break. Jean-Yves: My dear, when all this is over you can retire. But now we must move swiftly. My men dive in the bay for remnants of Cleopatra's lost palaces. Lara: Cleopatra? Jean-Yves: Yes. She realized the armour’s significance and had it brought here. Some was subsequently scattered, but... Lara: Where do you recommend I start looking? Jean-Yves: In the catacombs under Alexandria. My diggers have unearthed chambers connected to the Great Library. This would hold the true location of Cleopatra's palaces. We have yet to find a way in but you... Lara: Take me there. Jean-Yves: There is a problem. Lara: (She frowns) Von Croy. Jean-Yves: Yes. His dig is expanding, crossing many of my own tunnels. Of course, my men would no longer work when Von Croy's thugs appeared on the scene. Lara: Time to introduce myself to Werner's loyal work-force. Jean-Yves: First, you must get into the catacombs. Von Croy has them completely sealed up, and I fear he will soon have the armour. Lara: Over my dead body. Jean-Yves: This I fear also. I shall wait here for news. Return if you feel I can help in any way. Good luck. I fear you may need it. Lara: I make my own luck. (After exploring the coastal ruins, Lara returns to Jean-Yves’s office and sees him sat at his desk) Jean-Yves: More information, oui? I believe some of the armour could be here in the town. A local collector had a small exhibition and was rumoured to own a piece. It is hard to say if this is true. The man was a fool. A while back he vanished, leaving the exhibition boarded up. So, if Von Croy hasn’t got to it, perhaps this would be the place to begin. (Lara returns to Jean-Yves office and finds him searching through the bookshelves) Jean-Yves: Lara, I've been doing some reading and it is highly probable that some of the armour is hidden down in the catacombs themselves. But you must take care. Word of Von Croy's men fleeing the tunnels has reached me. Set's apparitions have begun to move into the city, gathering at the ancient sites. You must hurry and find the library. (Lara returns to Jean-Yves office after exploring the lost library and sees him sat at a small table, reading) Jean-Yves: Greetings, Lara. Remember somewhere in the library will be the means to guide you to the location of Cleopatra's palaces. Von Croy will not know you have found the library yet. But I have heard through connections that he has hired new local help and is doubly searching for another way in. For the moment, we have the advantage, but I fear we must move quickly if we are to stay ahead. Remember the Great Library was very much like a university to ancient Alexandria. It will full of knowledge, puzzles and invention. You will need quick wits to get through. Good luck, my friend. (Lara returns once more after entering the Temple of Isis) Jean-Yves: Ah, Lara, you have most truly put Von Croy’s nose out of joint this time. If events were less catastrophic, I would be very happy. As it is, we must now be even more careful. He will become even more desperate and thus more dangerous. Be on your guard. Use the artefact to get into Cleopatra's palaces and find the rest of the armour. Tread carefully now…and not too much sightseeing, hmm? |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Alexandria – Hall of Demetrius
(Lara finds a scroll on the balcony and begins reading the inscription)
Lara: (reads) The tablet was returned to the sands that had spawned it beneath the citadel of Saladin in ancient Cairo, foretelling of the time in the distant millennia when the stars of Orion come together. The ceremony is performed and Set entombed. (Von Croy arrives with three of his mercs) Werner: Hello, my dear. Another unannounced visit. I see you have found the scroll we unearthed. Interesting reading, ja? Lara: Only interesting if you know what it refers to. Werner: Yes. Yes. Quite correct, my dear. The armour on its own is no more than a curiosity. But with the amulet and the ceremonial tablet, it becomes an important historical artefact predating the bible by centuries. Lara: There is more at stake here than the sum of the pieces, Von Croy. Ever heard of Armageddon? Unpleasant, even by your standards. Werner: Rebinding the spirit of Set, putting the armour on the statue at midnight at the turn of the millennium, so on and such like. I was never a believer in this magical hocus pocus. (Lara suddenly dives over balcony) Werner: (to his goons) Fools! After her! |
LOCATION: (FMV) Alexandria – Jean-Yves Field Office
(Lara enters the office and finds a note on Jean-Yves’s desk. She reads the note)
Werner: (on note) Congratulations! You survived to fight another day. I trust that you now have all the armour. Jean-Yves shall be escorting us to Cairo, not entirely of his own free will, I admit. A simple trade: his life for the Armour of Horus. Do not take too long thinking it over. Yours apologetically, Werner. (Lara hops on her bike and quickly drives off to Cairo |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Cairo – Chambers of Tulun
(Lara approaches a wounded soldier)
Aziz: (struggles to speak) What in God's name has happened here? Where are the rest of my men? Lara: I banged into a couple of them. They appeared to have sealed off all of the exits. Aziz: Yes. Yes. This…this is good. You must help us and gasps for air) liberate the city. Lara: I’m just here for directions. I need a route to the citadel. Aziz: This is not so good. This is where the main activity takes place. Lara: Activity? Aziz: We encountered it as the skies begin to darken. A creature of our ancient past. It tore through my men like a firestorm. I managed to station an ammunition truck before the beast with the mind to ignite the explosive device in the area, but with renewed vigour, it forced us back. It was as if it knew of our plans. Lara: Beast or no beast, Sarge, I've got to get into that building. Aziz: You have spirit. Perhaps. As we retreated, we had mined some of the streets to prevent contamination. Two of my men are still in the area. Out of the northern cemetery, one of them holds the frequency for the mine detonator. The other holds the second half of the code for the explosive device. Lara: And if I find them? Aziz: Tell them that Sergeant Azizus sent you. I heard your motorbike. Once you have the codes, take me on it to the ammunition truck. I shall eradicate the blockage. But hurry! I am not long of this world. (If you go back to Aziz) Your bike will need modifications to clear some of the larger obstacles. Nitrous oxide connected to the carburettor should give you the extra punch. Go! Bring me the codes! |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Cairo – Street Bazaar
(Lara enters a garage and sees a soldier lying on the floor. He draws his gun and aims it at Lara)
Lara: Put your gun away. Azizus sent me. Soldier: Help me, Englisher. I bleed to death. I tried to hide, but those things smell the blood on me. Lara: I've come for the mine frequency. I need to get back to Azizus through this rabbit warren with both legs intact. Soldier: I do a good job with the mines. Ah, not that it does us any good. We are all dead or half-dying. (He throws over the detonator to Lara) Lara: Where are the rest of you? I need the explosive codes. Soldier: Saida, my colleague, lies across the roof bridge in the mosque. As we retreated, something new that we had not encountered before came from the shadows like lightning and took his head. Lara: The codes? Soldier: Ha! Inside his head! Inside the creature! Lara: I need those codes! Soldier: Search his body. I don't know. Leave me now, for I am weak and wish to prepare myself for my God. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Cairo – Chambers of Tulun
(Lara places Sergeant Aziz in the sidecar of her bike and drives him over to where the beast is located)
Azizus: You are a strong woman. Lara: Lara. And you handled yourself pretty well, Sergeant. You've got the codes. What now? Azizus: (climbs to his feet and points a gun at Lara) After all we've been through, I think not. This is merely insurance. Lara: Against what? Azizus: Against your stopping me from doing my duty. Someone needs to drive that truck in there. Lara: Kamikaze. Azizus: Whatever it takes for my country. (climbs into the truck) In the next life then, my friend. (Azizus drives the truck into the monster and it explodes, killing the beast but clearing the way to the Citadel Gate) |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Cairo – Citadel
(Lara enters the citadel and sees Jean-Yves tied to a pillar)
Jean-Yves: Thank God you made it! Von Croy...I saw it myself. I would not have believed such a thing. He is possessed of Seth! Lara: (quickly unties him) Get out of here, Jean. I have a feeling that things may turn nasty. Jean-Yves: He’s digging under the citadel into the Crusaders' vaults in search of the ceremonial tablet. The tablet which contains Set's binding incantations. Be careful, Lara. I fear there are things in the vaults man was not meant to see. Lara: I am not a man, Jean. And I am always very, very careful. (Below the citadel, Von Croy digs up the ceremonial tablet) Werner: We have it. The ancient ceremonial tablet. Take it and prepare it, and see if the Croft woman has arrived with our armour. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Cairo – Citadel
(Lara enters the room and sees Von Croy surrounded by jackals. Hs voice is raspy and his eyes are glowing red)
Werner: Come in, Lara. I’ve been expecting you. Come to me, child. Do not fear your old colleague. I merely require the armour that you hold in your possession. Lara: And in return? Werner: I will grant you vigour as those around you fall. You shall command the ultimate power: that of life or death over those you choose at your side, and in return they will bow at your feet and give worship. Lara: Got my fair share of that already. And besides, give a jackal your hand and he'll bite off the whole arm. (Lara dashes for the amulet and yanks it from its receptacle, which causes the stone door to drop, trapping Von Croy and the jackals behind the door) Lara: Barking mad. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Cairo – The Sphinx Complex
(Below the Sphinx’s head, Lara crouches and reads the inscription on the stone)
Lara: The inscription reads “One night, in dreaming, came to me, the spirit of the Sphinx, in his passing, he spoken to me, words of great wisdom: Thutmosis, here is your true destiny. This land of Egypt is forever yours to rule. In return, protect me always from the sands of time, as you are, I must be free from head to toe, so that we both may see the divine beauty of creation”. |
LOCATION: (Cut scene) Cairo – Near Menkaure’s Pyramid
(Lara saves a soldier from a giant scorpion)
Soldier: Allah be praised! For a moment I thought I was dead for sure. Please, for your own safety, take these keys and hide in the Pyramid of Menkaure. Save yourself from these abominations. |
LOCATION: (FMV) Egypt – Outside Temple of Horus
(As Lara limps toward the exit, she sees Von Croy standing in the doorway. Suddenly, the temple starts to collapse)
Werner: Quickly girl. Before it collapses around you! (He holds out his hand) Lara: You back, Werner? No more Set? Werner: No time! Your hand, Lara! Give me your hand! (Lara moves but the floor in front drops. She leaps and grabs the edge) Werner: Take my hands! I can pull you to safety! Lara: Good to see you again, Werner. Werner: I couldn't leave you! (Just as Lara reaches for Von Croy’s hand, the temple collapses on Lara. Von Croy dashes out of the way and looks back at the ruins |