Charles Kane is next to share his story about how Lara found the Spear of Destiny that had been buried with a sunken WW2 submarine. The cutscene then shows Charles telling Lara, as they stand outside of a Russian Base in Zapadnaya Litsa, that most of the men inside are ex-KGB as well as there being a nuclear submarine housed in one of the dockyards. She runs off and enters the base, making her way to the dockyard where she runs aboard the sub, hiding in the storage room. She is discovered and Admiral Yarofev asks two sailors to imprison her in a cell. In typical Lara style, she escapes and discovers that Mikhailov, the head of the Russian mafia, also wants the Spear. She uses a deep sea diving suit to explore the wreckage of the sunken u-boat; she finds it but when she takes it back onboard, Mikhailov is waiting for her. She is forced to hand it over but as she is about to be taken to the torpedo room, he is frizzled by the Spear, causing the lights to flick off, giving Lara a brief moment to take care of the men. The submarine has sustained considerable damage and is now sinking. She finds Admiral Yarofev, who is injured and he tells her to leave through the escape pod. She needs to find the oxygen and nitrogen tanks first, and as she offers to help him into the pod, he declines, choosing to stay with the sub. She escapes on her own without the artefact whilst Charles watches and waits for her return.
Winston takes Charles Kane and Father Patrick Dunstan into Lara's trophy room where they reminisce on how she obtained the Iris. With the help of Zip, Lara breaks into Von Croy's business 'Von Croy's Industries'. Here she makes her way through the ventilation ducts to sneak past most of the guards, reaching the 13th Floor. She finds the Iris and picks it up. Whilst escaping, Zip tells Lara that she has to ditch her weapon before passing through the scanner. As she is taking an elevator up to the roof, the cables are cut off and it falls to the bottom of the elevator shaft. She has to make her way back up on foot. The guards know that she has taken the Iris and are hot on her heels. She uses the Iris in a teleporter room to escape most of the trouble and it is from here that Lara knows that she must make her way up to the roof via the outside fire escape walkways. Reaching the highest walkway, Lara heads into a large room where there is a doorway that leads to a helipad. In order to open the door, she finds two pieces that make up the key to the door, battling two cyborgs along the way. With the door now open, she sprints across the roof, using her original hand glider to glide away from the building.
Back in present time and in Egypt, Von Croy has hired a team to help search for Lara. A worker approaches him to say that they have found something - her backpack, which gives him hope that she is still alive.