DESERT RANGER Advanced .50 caliber semi automatic. Medium range.
FIRST RETRIEVED: The Serpent Rouge
DART SS Four dart stealth weapon. Renders target instantly unconscious. Short range. Optional laser sight.
FIRST RETRIEVED: Bouchard's Hideout
K2 IMPACTOR Fires 50,000-volt twin electric probes. Effective at ranges up to 21 feet. Short range. Optional laser sight. FIRST RETRIEVED: The Archaeological Dig
V-PACKER Pump action 12 bore shot gun. Close quarters. 6 shot, slow reload. Short or medium range effectiveness depending on whether using standard shot or spreadshot.
FIRST RETRIEVED: Tomb of Ancients
MAG VEGA 9mm, 30 round clips. Three modes - single action, semi automatic and fully automatic. Long range weapon. Optional silencer & laser sight. FIRST RETRIEVED: Galleries Under Siege
RIGG 09 Single action 9mm handgun. 9 shot magazine. Short range weapon.
FIRST RETRIEVED: Von Croy's Apartment
VIPER SMG Automatic and smi-automatic fire. Holds 70 rounds. Long range weapon. Optional laser sight.
FIRST RETRIEVED: Von Croy's Apartment
SCORPION X Fully automatic machine pistol. 9mm 30 shot clip. Medium range weapon. Optional silencer.