French military police. You'll see one in the area where you have to sneak in and pick up a key. If you are in stealth, he won't see you. In the Derelict Apartment Block, there are three more but as long as you don't head back down the stairs, they won't hurt you. If you do however, they will arrest Lara. FIRST APPEARANCE: Parisian Back Streets |
Louvre Guards
These guards are doing the night shift, so they don't expect people to walk in. They will shoot on sight, but if you are lucky, you can stealthily take them out. Also, maybe use the Dart SS tranquiliser or K2 Impactor - these guys have done nothing against Lara. FIRST APPEARANCE: Louvre Galleries |
Skeleton Knight
Not sure how these guys are still around but they can be vicious. They are slow moving though so that can be used to your advantage. They carry swords that they can swing and jab with. There are also variations of this enemy, as seen in 'Hall of Seasons' and 'The Vault of Trophies'. FIRST APPEARANCE: Tomb Of Ancients |
Brother Obscura's Spirit
A character roll-call found in Murti Schofield's notes give this information: 1401-1447 deaf-mute monk designated to paint over the five images of the Sanglyph. Made forbidden records of the images and hidden symbols which later became three sets of the Obscura Engravings. FIRST APPEARANCE: Hall of Seasons |
Abomination Phase II
Not sure if this was originally human but if they were, they have been mutated with some botanical - perhaps this is Dr Grant Muller's doing. It is fast but no more difficult than a human enemy to take down. It has long spikes sticking out of the back of its hands that is useful for attacking with. FIRST APPEARANCE: Bio-Research Facility |
Mutant Plants
Not quite an enemy as I'm sure they'd attack anything that they'd see as dinner, but these plants are carnivorous. One swoops down to bite and one spits acid. There is another that has a bowl-like sack of acid at its base where it will break down their targets. Lara won't fight them so they are easily avoided by running past and standing a safe distance away. FIRST APPEARANCE: Bio-Research Facility |
This large creature is found in water, but you'll see an example of one that had been killed for study in the Aquatic Research Area. They look frightening and you may feel defenseless against them since Lara won't find a harpoon in this game, however, they aren't that bad. In the Aquatic Research Area, Lara can feed one with meat to distract it so that she can pull some underwater levers in peace. FIRST APPEARANCE: Bio-Research Facility |
Sanitarium Inmates
These poor guys are kept here against their will, and are treated as experiments. Maybe it is the best thing for Kurtis to put them out of their misery. They aren't really much of a problem to deal. If you allow them to get close enough, Kurtis can headshot them. There are three types of this enemy- one that walk with their hands together, another that has horned protrusions on their heads and long spikes for hands and then one that is dressed in orange. It seems that the spikey ones are first seen in 'Maximum Containment Area'. FIRST APPEARANCE: The Sanitarium |
Boaz (Mutated)
So when Eckhardt pushed Kristina Boaz into one of Grant Muller's plant experiments, this was the result. The Boaz creature comes in two stages: the first is a large bug that can bite as well as spit acid from one of the four pods on its side. You can see the remnants of Boaz herself on the bug's front. The second stage is a fly, which is more humanoid in appearance. She has a long spike on her left arm that's good for stabbing. Sadly for Kurtis, he'll find out how sharp it is. FIRST APPEARANCE: Boaz Returns |