Cheat Codes
Before you can use these cheats, you'll need to unlock them first. Here are the requirements:
Textureless Mode: Unlocked when game completed
Show Enemy Health: Complete Bolivia Time Trial
Infinite SMG Ammo: Complete Peru Time Trial
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Complete Japan Time Trial
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Complete Ghana Time Trial
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Complete Kazakhstan Time Trial
Bulletproof Lara: Complete England Time Trial
Wield Excalibur: Complete Nepal Time Trial
One Shot Kill: Complete Redux Time Trial
Wield Soul Reaver: Complete Game to 100% - All Rewards & Time Trial
Textureless Mode: Unlocked when game completed
Show Enemy Health: Complete Bolivia Time Trial
Infinite SMG Ammo: Complete Peru Time Trial
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Complete Japan Time Trial
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Complete Ghana Time Trial
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Complete Kazakhstan Time Trial
Bulletproof Lara: Complete England Time Trial
Wield Excalibur: Complete Nepal Time Trial
One Shot Kill: Complete Redux Time Trial
Wield Soul Reaver: Complete Game to 100% - All Rewards & Time Trial
PlayStation 2
Enter IN GAME. You'll hear a confirming sound.
Textureless Mode: Hold L1 then press L2, X, Circle, X, Triangle, R1
Show Enemy Health: Hold L1 then press Square, Circle, X, L2, R1, Triangle
Infinite SMG Ammo: Hold L2 then press Circle, Triangle, L1, R1, X, Circle
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Hold L2 then press X, Circle, X, L1, Square, Triangle
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Hold L2 then press R1, Circle, Square, L1, Square, X
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Hold L2 then press L1, Triangle, R1, Circle, L1, Square
Bulletproof Lara: Hold L1 then press X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, L2
Wield Excalibur: Hold L2 then press Triangle, X, Circle R1, Triangle, L1
One Shot Kill: Hold L1 then press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, L2, Circle
Wield Soul Reaver: Hold L2 then press X, R1, Circle, R1, L1, Square
Textureless Mode: Hold L1 then press L2, X, Circle, X, Triangle, R1
Show Enemy Health: Hold L1 then press Square, Circle, X, L2, R1, Triangle
Infinite SMG Ammo: Hold L2 then press Circle, Triangle, L1, R1, X, Circle
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Hold L2 then press X, Circle, X, L1, Square, Triangle
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Hold L2 then press R1, Circle, Square, L1, Square, X
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Hold L2 then press L1, Triangle, R1, Circle, L1, Square
Bulletproof Lara: Hold L1 then press X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, L2
Wield Excalibur: Hold L2 then press Triangle, X, Circle R1, Triangle, L1
One Shot Kill: Hold L1 then press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, L2, Circle
Wield Soul Reaver: Hold L2 then press X, R1, Circle, R1, L1, Square
PlayStation Portable
Enter IN GAME. You'll hear a confirming sound.
Textureless Mode: Hold L then press R, X, Circle, X, Triangle, R
Show Enemy Health: Hold L then press Square, Circle, X, R, R, Triangle
Infinite SMG Ammo: Hold L then press Circle, Triangle, R, R, X, Circle
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Hold L then press X, Circle, X, R, Square, Triangle
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Hold L then press R, Circle, Square, R, Square, X
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Hold L then press R, Triangle, R, Circle, R, Square
Bulletproof Lara: Hold L then press X, R, Triangle, R, Square, R
Wield Excalibur: Hold L then press Triangle, X, Circle, R, Triangle, R
One Shot Kill: Hold L then press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, R, Circle
Wield Soul Reaver: Hold L then press X, R, Circle, R, R, Square
Textureless Mode: Hold L then press R, X, Circle, X, Triangle, R
Show Enemy Health: Hold L then press Square, Circle, X, R, R, Triangle
Infinite SMG Ammo: Hold L then press Circle, Triangle, R, R, X, Circle
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Hold L then press X, Circle, X, R, Square, Triangle
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Hold L then press R, Circle, Square, R, Square, X
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Hold L then press R, Triangle, R, Circle, R, Square
Bulletproof Lara: Hold L then press X, R, Triangle, R, Square, R
Wield Excalibur: Hold L then press Triangle, X, Circle, R, Triangle, R
One Shot Kill: Hold L then press Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, R, Circle
Wield Soul Reaver: Hold L then press X, R, Circle, R, R, Square
Enter IN GAME, press the two keys together at the same time. You'll hear a confirming sound.
Textureless Mode: Backspace + 1
Show Enemy Health: Backspace + 2
Infinite SMG Ammo: Backspace + 6
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Backspace + 3
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Backspace + 5
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Backspace + 4
Bulletproof Lara: Backspace + 7
Wield Excalibur: Backspace + 9
One Shot Kill: Backspace + 8
Wield Soul Reaver: Backspace + 0
Textureless Mode: Backspace + 1
Show Enemy Health: Backspace + 2
Infinite SMG Ammo: Backspace + 6
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Backspace + 3
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Backspace + 5
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Backspace + 4
Bulletproof Lara: Backspace + 7
Wield Excalibur: Backspace + 9
One Shot Kill: Backspace + 8
Wield Soul Reaver: Backspace + 0
Enter IN GAME. You'll hear a confirming sound.
Textureless Mode: Hold LT then press Black, A, B, A, Y, RT
Show Enemy Health: Hold LT then press X, B, A, Black, RT, Y
Infinite SMG Ammo: Hold Black then press B, Y, L, R, A, B
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Hold Black then press A, B, A, L, X, Y
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Hold Black then press R, B, X, L, X, A
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Hold Black then press L, Y, R, B, L, X
Bulletproof Lara: Hold LT then press A, RT, Y, RT, X, Black
Wield Excalibur: Hold Black then press Y, A, B, R, Y, L
One Shot Kill: Hold LT then press Y, A, Y, X, White, B -or- Hold LT then press Y, A, Y, X, Black, B
Wield Soul Reaver: Hold Black then press A, R, B, R, L, X
Textureless Mode: Hold LT then press Black, A, B, A, Y, RT
Show Enemy Health: Hold LT then press X, B, A, Black, RT, Y
Infinite SMG Ammo: Hold Black then press B, Y, L, R, A, B
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Hold Black then press A, B, A, L, X, Y
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Hold Black then press R, B, X, L, X, A
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Hold Black then press L, Y, R, B, L, X
Bulletproof Lara: Hold LT then press A, RT, Y, RT, X, Black
Wield Excalibur: Hold Black then press Y, A, B, R, Y, L
One Shot Kill: Hold LT then press Y, A, Y, X, White, B -or- Hold LT then press Y, A, Y, X, Black, B
Wield Soul Reaver: Hold Black then press A, R, B, R, L, X
Xbox 360
Enter IN GAME, press the two keys together at the same time. You'll hear a confirming sound.
Textureless Mode: Hold LT then press LB, A, B, A, Y, RT
Show Enemy Health: Hold LT then press X, B, A, LB, RT, Y
Infinite SMG Ammo: Hold LB then press B, Y, LT then press RT, A, B
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Hold LB then press A, B, A, LT, X, Y
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Hold LB then press RT, B, X, LT, X, A
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Hold LB then press LT, Y, RT, B, LT, X
Bulletproof Lara: Hold LT then press A, RT, Y, RT, X, LB
Wield Excalibur: Hold LB then press Y, A, B, RT, Y, LT
One Shot Kill: Hold LT then press Y, A, Y, X, LB, B
Wield Soul Reaver: Hold LB then press A, RT, B, RT, LT, X
Textureless Mode: Hold LT then press LB, A, B, A, Y, RT
Show Enemy Health: Hold LT then press X, B, A, LB, RT, Y
Infinite SMG Ammo: Hold LB then press B, Y, LT then press RT, A, B
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Hold LB then press A, B, A, LT, X, Y
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Hold LB then press RT, B, X, LT, X, A
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Hold LB then press LT, Y, RT, B, LT, X
Bulletproof Lara: Hold LT then press A, RT, Y, RT, X, LB
Wield Excalibur: Hold LB then press Y, A, B, RT, Y, LT
One Shot Kill: Hold LT then press Y, A, Y, X, LB, B
Wield Soul Reaver: Hold LB then press A, RT, B, RT, LT, X
Nintendo GameCube
Enter IN GAME. You'll hear a confirming sound.
Textureless Mode: Hold L then press R, A, B, A, Y, R
Show Enemy Health: Hold L then press X, B, A, R, R, Y
Infinite SMG Ammo: Hold L then press B, Y, R, R, A, B
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Hold L then press A, B, A, R, X, Y
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Hold L then press R, B, X, R, X, A
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Hold L then press R, Y, R, B, R, X
Bulletproof Lara: Hold L then press A, R, Y, R, X, R
Wield Excalibur: Hold L then press Y, A, B, R, Y, R
One Shot Kill: Hold L then press Y, A, Y, X, R, B
Wield Soul Reaver: Hold L then press A, R, B, R, R, X
Textureless Mode: Hold L then press R, A, B, A, Y, R
Show Enemy Health: Hold L then press X, B, A, R, R, Y
Infinite SMG Ammo: Hold L then press B, Y, R, R, A, B
Infinite Assault Rifle Ammo: Hold L then press A, B, A, R, X, Y
Infinite Shotgun Ammo: Hold L then press R, B, X, R, X, A
Infinite Grenade Launcher Ammo: Hold L then press R, Y, R, B, R, X
Bulletproof Lara: Hold L then press A, R, Y, R, X, R
Wield Excalibur: Hold L then press Y, A, B, R, Y, R
One Shot Kill: Hold L then press Y, A, Y, X, R, B
Wield Soul Reaver: Hold L then press A, R, B, R, R, X