Writer: John Ney Rieber, Michael Turner
Pencils: Michael Turner, Joel Gomez Inks: Jonathan Sibal, Billy Tan Colours: Jonathan D. Smith, Tyson Wengler, Brian Buccellato Lettering: Dreamer Design’s Robin Spehar and Dennis Heisler Cover Art: Michael Turner, Peter Steigerwald Release: November 2002 Original Price: US $2.99 | CAN $4.60 Issue # in Set: #25. Also Witchblade's Issue #60 and Evo's Issue #1 |
In Tomb Raider Issue #25, Sara Pezzini invites Lara Croft along to help with an investigation. Lara is attacked by an enemy ‘essence’ and she chases it through New York City. However, once Lara is away from the city, she is attacked once more and taken over by “The Weave”. Sara tries to figure out what the Weave is and how to get Lara back but she cannot do it alone.
An ethereal creature, it pushed out of the ground in New York, USA as orbs of silver light and looked as if it was crawling. It'll then possess a person, making their eyes glow and their skin look grey. When they are overcome, the sleeper tells them that they are broken and alone and that they are now alive. It makes them believe that others are broken too and must be taken care of. When the carrier is attacked, the weave leaves the body and leaves it dead, before it returns to the sleeper. |
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