The Merlin Stone Saga
In this two part adventure, Lara and Chase have been called by a fellow archaeologist to investigate modern dinosaur bones and cave paintings. Things are not as they seem as walk into a prehistoric world.
Merlin Stone
It was the ultimate product of Merlin's magic. He had to envision a particular time and the stone would vanish to appear in that time. For Merlin it was an extension of sight, a tool that would reveal the mysteries of the past and future thanks to a receiving liquid composed of the same properties as the jewel. When Morgan le Fay tried to take it, he destroyed the companion liquid. Without it, the jewel was unable to return. The stone was secured onto the end of a dinosaur bone with manmade carvings. In 2000, Chase Carver, when sent to a different dimension, held the staff in his brainwashed state. He was able to shoot fire blasts from the stone, which drew its energy from the volcano nearby. Lara Croft took the handle back to present day for Vanessa Fenway. |
Morgan Farrel
In issue #5 she appeared as one of Vanessa Fenway's archaeological students at the dig site, but in issue 6, she showed that she used her teacher as a way to find the Merlin Stone. She revealed herself to be Morgan Le Fay. In the past, she tried to take the stone from Merlin, but he destroyed the companion liquid, leaving it hidden in history. She tried to use Chase Carver to kill Lara Croft by brainwashing him, but when Lara punched him, he woke up out of the state. Lara shot the stone, which opened up a portal back to the present day, but it closed before Morgan could make it out. The pre-historic humans, who were momentarily her goons, then turned on her. |
USA - New Mexico
Other Characters:
Vanessa Fenway
Vanessa was a Harvard student, and a roommate to Lara Croft. They had been friends ever since and she knew about how Chase treated Lara. After graduating in archaeology, she began teaching the subject and taking students out on digs. In issue #5, Vanessa invited Lara and a friend to join her to look out something extraordinary- dinosaur bones that are only a couple of years old rather than millions of years old. She also showed them an entrance to a tunnel, where they were taken into a completely different landscape, almost pre-historic. |